In [1]:
# Packages required (can be installed by pip3 install <package>)
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import numpy as np
import pysal
from pysal.weights.util import get_points_array_from_shapefile

London Census data analysis

Ethnic groups


Count in function of frequency sum

In [3]:
# Build Census Ethnic dataframe reading csv file
datae = "~/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Census/Original Data/London/Census data for Segregation" \
dfce = pd.read_csv(datae)

Geocode All_categ W_British W_Irish W_Gypsy W_Other MX_Wbc MX_Wba MX_Was MX_other ... As.Indian As.Pakist As.Bangl As.Chin As.other B.African B.Carib B.other Oth.Arab Other.eth
0 K04000001 56075912 45134686 531087 57680 2485942 426715 165974 341727 289984 ... 2.519724 2.005337 0.797492 0.701087 1.490337 1.764801 1.060750 0.500102 0.411228 0.594009
1 E92000001 53012456 42279236 517001 54895 2430010 415616 161550 332708 283005 ... 2.632781 2.098152 0.823418 0.715875 1.545678 1.844361 1.114863 0.524135 0.416855 0.617653
2 W92000004 3063456 2855450 14086 2785 55932 11099 4424 9019 6979 ... 0.563285 0.399190 0.348854 0.445183 0.532666 0.388026 0.124337 0.084219 0.313861 0.184857
3 E12000001 2596886 2431423 8035 1684 34425 5938 3549 8022 4940 ... 0.609076 0.763645 0.422506 0.550043 0.527362 0.422891 0.045940 0.040241 0.225270 0.200278
4 E12000002 7052177 6141069 64930 4147 151570 39204 18392 30529 22766 ... 1.522268 2.686206 0.650820 0.681336 0.662916 0.840563 0.327998 0.219223 0.347807 0.279176

5 rows × 38 columns

In [4]:
# slice ethnic columns and sum each column
ethnic = dfce.loc[:,'W_Irish':'Other_eth']
print("Groups -------- Sum")

Groups -------- Sum
W_Irish       3703523
W_Gypsy        400975
W_Other      17345662
MX_Wbc        2975906
MX_Wba        1157394
MX_Was        2383070
MX_other      2022909
As_Indian     9873450
As_Pakist     7859348
As_Bangl      3119720
As_Chin       2738349
As_other      5833722
B_African     6915509
B_Carib       4159966
B_other       1960479
Oth_Arab      1604585
Other_eth     2326009
dtype: int64

In [5]:
# plot income 
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=1, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(16, 6), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Ethnic group')
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Ethnic intervals')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')


<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10d478eb8>
  • Column "All_categ" and "W_British" removed from plot, total distorcing distribution

Ethnic groups (count) in function of frequency sum with white (W_British)

In [6]:
% matplotlib inline

# slice ethnic columns and sum each column
ethnic_full = dfce.loc[:,'W_British':'Other_eth']

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=1, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(16, 6), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Ethnic group')
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Ethnic intervals full')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')


<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x100de8b70>

Pearson Correlation

This data frame selects data from brute groups counts as a test for comparision with proportion data

In [7]:
# Slice dataframe to get counts columns
cor_mat_count = ethnic_full.corr()

W_British W_Irish W_Gypsy W_Other MX_Wbc MX_Wba MX_Was MX_other As_Indian As_Pakist As_Bangl As_Chin As_other B_African B_Carib B_other Oth_Arab Other_eth
W_British 1.000000 0.981370 0.994558 0.968566 0.985074 0.972519 0.986009 0.970035 0.967968 0.978345 0.942529 0.983513 0.956704 0.934869 0.931051 0.926533 0.957109 0.946632
W_Irish 0.981370 1.000000 0.984941 0.996320 0.996764 0.997882 0.998663 0.997590 0.993769 0.980381 0.981804 0.998788 0.993147 0.983317 0.981024 0.979122 0.991569 0.988904
W_Gypsy 0.994558 0.984941 1.000000 0.977614 0.985176 0.978485 0.990394 0.977392 0.971880 0.971509 0.948163 0.985685 0.966715 0.945825 0.940454 0.936206 0.961514 0.955572
W_Other 0.968566 0.996320 0.977614 1.000000 0.990573 0.998671 0.995530 0.999473 0.992051 0.966724 0.984416 0.995480 0.997386 0.991545 0.987181 0.986655 0.993724 0.994947
MX_Wbc 0.985074 0.996764 0.985176 0.990573 1.000000 0.992662 0.997050 0.992899 0.993807 0.986913 0.977201 0.996280 0.987247 0.975855 0.977326 0.973349 0.986249 0.983216
MX_Wba 0.972519 0.997882 0.978485 0.998671 0.992662 1.000000 0.996420 0.999438 0.992489 0.972286 0.985078 0.997727 0.996285 0.990895 0.986225 0.985995 0.994619 0.993776
MX_Was 0.986009 0.998663 0.990394 0.995530 0.997050 0.996420 1.000000 0.996314 0.992489 0.981797 0.977693 0.998613 0.991095 0.978797 0.975852 0.973340 0.988480 0.985558
MX_other 0.970035 0.997590 0.977392 0.999473 0.992899 0.999438 0.996314 1.000000 0.993692 0.971301 0.986139 0.996801 0.997791 0.992260 0.989088 0.988341 0.995014 0.995561
As_Indian 0.967968 0.993769 0.971880 0.992051 0.993807 0.992489 0.992489 0.993692 1.000000 0.976445 0.982782 0.992092 0.994082 0.985084 0.986104 0.983275 0.990792 0.990950
As_Pakist 0.978345 0.980381 0.971509 0.966724 0.986913 0.972286 0.981797 0.971301 0.976445 1.000000 0.960356 0.980849 0.964801 0.949064 0.952545 0.947061 0.969947 0.959844
As_Bangl 0.942529 0.981804 0.948163 0.984416 0.977201 0.985078 0.977693 0.986139 0.982782 0.960356 1.000000 0.981340 0.987370 0.986981 0.986227 0.986138 0.986976 0.988570
As_Chin 0.983513 0.998788 0.985685 0.995480 0.996280 0.997727 0.998613 0.996801 0.992092 0.980849 0.981340 1.000000 0.991488 0.981849 0.977959 0.976662 0.991723 0.987449
As_other 0.956704 0.993147 0.966715 0.997386 0.987247 0.996285 0.991095 0.997791 0.994082 0.964801 0.987370 0.991488 1.000000 0.995363 0.993095 0.992536 0.995620 0.997921
B_African 0.934869 0.983317 0.945825 0.991545 0.975855 0.990895 0.978797 0.992260 0.985084 0.949064 0.986981 0.981849 0.995363 1.000000 0.996693 0.998117 0.992372 0.997932
B_Carib 0.931051 0.981024 0.940454 0.987181 0.977326 0.986225 0.975852 0.989088 0.986104 0.952545 0.986227 0.977959 0.993095 0.996693 1.000000 0.999088 0.989941 0.996363
B_other 0.926533 0.979122 0.936206 0.986655 0.973349 0.985995 0.973340 0.988341 0.983275 0.947061 0.986138 0.976662 0.992536 0.998117 0.999088 1.000000 0.990357 0.996558
Oth_Arab 0.957109 0.991569 0.961514 0.993724 0.986249 0.994619 0.988480 0.995014 0.990792 0.969947 0.986976 0.991723 0.995620 0.992372 0.989941 0.990357 1.000000 0.995977
Other_eth 0.946632 0.988904 0.955572 0.994947 0.983216 0.993776 0.985558 0.995561 0.990950 0.959844 0.988570 0.987449 0.997921 0.997932 0.996363 0.996558 0.995977 1.000000

In [8]:
# Plot Heatmap based on cor_mat_count data frame - Counts
% matplotlib inline
f1, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9))
plt.title('Pearson correlation matrix - Ethnic groups count')
sns.heatmap(cor_mat_count, cmap='RdBu_r', square=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x100d88978>

This data frame selects columns data with percentage for ethnic groups

In [9]:
# Slice data frame to get proportion data columns
ethnic_prop = dfce.loc[:,'W.British':'Other.eth']
cor_mat_prop = ethnic_prop.corr()

W.British W.Irish W.Gypsy W.Other MX.Wbc MX.Wba MX.Was MX.other As.Indian As.Pakist As.Bangl As.Chin As.other B.African B.Carib B.other Oth.Arab Other.eth
W.British 1.000000 -0.416598 -0.039401 -0.654911 -0.432184 -0.447249 -0.454670 -0.560538 -0.573284 -0.513658 -0.394510 -0.371156 -0.692544 -0.648329 -0.639843 -0.621067 -0.446394 -0.648194
W.Irish -0.416598 1.000000 -0.007213 0.407910 0.229113 0.227808 0.296334 0.354184 0.143131 0.048338 0.055648 0.183249 0.271375 0.228441 0.301191 0.265037 0.216087 0.288921
W.Gypsy -0.039401 -0.007213 1.000000 0.023304 0.013301 0.022695 0.003040 0.015881 -0.005595 0.012242 0.003328 -0.002201 0.015648 0.031801 0.011713 0.015230 -0.001206 0.011880
W.Other -0.654911 0.407910 0.023304 1.000000 0.213992 0.341159 0.394989 0.512735 0.173710 0.071368 0.121256 0.349895 0.407425 0.371111 0.344118 0.337632 0.341997 0.504663
MX.Wbc -0.432184 0.229113 0.013301 0.213992 1.000000 0.312991 0.219420 0.344801 0.106222 0.110378 0.094537 0.115009 0.208018 0.405045 0.550241 0.465137 0.139706 0.267375
MX.Wba -0.447249 0.227808 0.022695 0.341159 0.312991 1.000000 0.209109 0.368770 0.087651 0.061079 0.116060 0.183422 0.252723 0.503350 0.391763 0.421796 0.222728 0.319325
MX.Was -0.454670 0.296334 0.003040 0.394989 0.219420 0.209109 1.000000 0.328862 0.214250 0.168754 0.102157 0.232837 0.325203 0.205777 0.231851 0.215005 0.223392 0.303715
MX.other -0.560538 0.354184 0.015881 0.512735 0.344801 0.368770 0.328862 1.000000 0.157458 0.087459 0.131260 0.251019 0.352102 0.437917 0.457592 0.450361 0.283693 0.437492
As.Indian -0.573284 0.143131 -0.005595 0.173710 0.106222 0.087651 0.214250 0.157458 1.000000 0.250961 0.115287 0.124572 0.491429 0.150148 0.203138 0.167802 0.162126 0.320338
As.Pakist -0.513658 0.048338 0.012242 0.071368 0.110378 0.061079 0.168754 0.087459 0.250961 1.000000 0.226540 0.037923 0.277994 0.114187 0.161775 0.136158 0.156369 0.165773
As.Bangl -0.394510 0.055648 0.003328 0.121256 0.094537 0.116060 0.102157 0.131260 0.115287 0.226540 1.000000 0.085028 0.157493 0.186125 0.161731 0.183418 0.117234 0.159984
As.Chin -0.371156 0.183249 -0.002201 0.349895 0.115009 0.183422 0.232837 0.251019 0.124572 0.037923 0.085028 1.000000 0.258223 0.218587 0.136729 0.155944 0.276864 0.237714
As.other -0.692544 0.271375 0.015648 0.407425 0.208018 0.252723 0.325203 0.352102 0.491429 0.277994 0.157493 0.258223 1.000000 0.373049 0.358412 0.344821 0.314530 0.457379
B.African -0.648329 0.228441 0.031801 0.371111 0.405045 0.503350 0.205777 0.437917 0.150148 0.114187 0.186125 0.218587 0.373049 1.000000 0.627765 0.705335 0.248388 0.463365
B.Carib -0.639843 0.301191 0.011713 0.344118 0.550241 0.391763 0.231851 0.457592 0.203138 0.161775 0.161731 0.136729 0.358412 0.627765 1.000000 0.729509 0.201604 0.441093
B.other -0.621067 0.265037 0.015230 0.337632 0.465137 0.421796 0.215005 0.450361 0.167802 0.136158 0.183418 0.155944 0.344821 0.705335 0.729509 1.000000 0.248163 0.451907
Oth.Arab -0.446394 0.216087 -0.001206 0.341997 0.139706 0.222728 0.223392 0.283693 0.162126 0.156369 0.117234 0.276864 0.314530 0.248388 0.201604 0.248163 1.000000 0.367840
Other.eth -0.648194 0.288921 0.011880 0.504663 0.267375 0.319325 0.303715 0.437492 0.320338 0.165773 0.159984 0.237714 0.457379 0.463365 0.441093 0.451907 0.367840 1.000000

In [10]:
# Plot Heatmap based on cor_mat_prop data frame - Proportions
% matplotlib inline
f2, ax2 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9))
plt.title('Pearson correlation matrix - Ethnic groups percentage')
sns.heatmap(cor_mat_prop, square=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x106a31a58>

Heatmap showing a positive correlation for black groups

Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: African
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: Caribbean
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British: Other Black

Moran I Correlation

Based on percentage of groups

Based on Queen Contiguity Weight

Prepares data reading shape file for OA London and computes Contiguity Based Weights using Queen method

In [12]:
shp_path = "/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Shape files/" \
            "London/OA Boundary/resolution_oa_2011_ks201-501ew.shp"
weight_cont = pysal.queen_from_shapefile(shp_path)
# weight_full = weight.full()

WARNING: there is one disconnected observation (no neighbors)
('Island id: ', [34622])

Histogram showing the distribuition of neighbors in queen weight

In [26]:
% matplotlib inline
sns.set(context="notebook", font_scale=1.8)
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(9, 6), dpi=300)
plt.title('Queen weights histogram - neighbors relations')*zip(*weight_cont.histogram))

<Container object of 29 artists>

Compute Bivariate Moran for all elements of ethnic groups

Variables are compared pairwised resulting on a matrix

999 random permutations are used for calculation of pseudo p_values

In [14]:
# Read dbf associated with the same shape file
# Obs: QGIS field lenght limit(10) changed column names during join

def calc_moran(arrayi, arrayj, weight):
    moran = pysal.Moran_BV(arrayi, arrayj, weight, permutations=999)
    result = moran.I
    pvalue = moran.p_z_sim
    return result, pvalue

def block_processing(i, weight, varnames, file):
    morans = []
    pvalues = []
    for item in varnames:
        j = np.array(file.by_col[item])
        serie = calc_moran(i,j,weight)
        moran = serie[0]
        pvalue = serie[1]
    return morans, pvalues

def calc_moran_matrix(varnames, weight, file):
    moran_matrix = []
    pvalue_matrix = []
    for item in varnames:
        i = np.array(file.by_col[item])
        result = block_processing(i,weight, varnames, file)
        res_moran = result[0]
        res_pvalue = result[1]
    return moran_matrix, pvalue_matrix

In [15]:
# Call main function to compute Moran and P-values ethnic groups
f1 ="/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Shape files/" \
                "London/OA Boundary/resolution_oa_2011_ks201-501ew.dbf")

var_ethnics = list(cor_mat_prop)
matrices_ethnic = calc_moran_matrix(var_ethnics, weight_cont, f1)

('WARNING: ', 34622, ' is an island (no neighbors)')

DataFrame with pairwise results

In [16]:
dfmoran_ethnic = pd.DataFrame(matrices_ethnic[0], columns=var_ethnics, index=var_ethnics)

W.British W.Irish W.Gypsy W.Other MX.Wbc MX.Wba MX.Was MX.other As.Indian As.Pakist As.Bangl As.Chin As.other B.African B.Carib B.other Oth.Arab Other.eth
W.British 0.924502 -0.309150 0.053195 -0.586337 -0.361912 -0.377482 -0.269071 -0.461911 -0.478251 -0.415297 -0.308498 -0.299085 -0.561773 -0.546461 -0.571351 -0.556813 -0.379480 -0.553760
W.Irish -0.309540 0.477715 -0.051805 0.364014 0.163274 0.136601 0.221417 0.262937 0.083970 -0.000555 0.001589 0.138881 0.160379 0.092000 0.186593 0.178738 0.208611 0.209993
W.Gypsy 0.049015 -0.049809 0.083740 -0.054131 -0.021128 -0.014602 -0.043747 -0.038176 -0.028950 -0.017349 -0.016996 -0.035035 -0.030341 0.004038 -0.017588 -0.015177 -0.027478 -0.029895
W.Other -0.583260 0.359146 -0.058209 0.800560 0.187701 0.248481 0.322026 0.419279 0.079370 0.062465 0.087596 0.341888 0.254006 0.242187 0.274824 0.276247 0.371882 0.462842
MX.Wbc -0.361900 0.166555 -0.023510 0.189780 0.416703 0.270461 0.099473 0.285029 -0.000842 0.070437 0.057097 0.086795 0.120379 0.374241 0.483888 0.418883 0.069748 0.210139
MX.Wba -0.376093 0.137310 -0.016796 0.248314 0.271030 0.292393 0.100656 0.270845 0.029458 0.053985 0.082120 0.136880 0.139657 0.394327 0.354135 0.355874 0.144838 0.246030
MX.Was -0.266011 0.219109 -0.047260 0.320929 0.097067 0.098919 0.233785 0.205264 0.107276 0.044242 0.029212 0.159833 0.170483 0.048482 0.103211 0.098345 0.163100 0.194170
MX.other -0.460588 0.263488 -0.041411 0.421104 0.283006 0.268506 0.207810 0.366677 0.068155 0.050717 0.084839 0.200462 0.198296 0.316584 0.375113 0.363332 0.212747 0.336844
As.Indian -0.478120 0.083163 -0.030744 0.078661 -0.000713 0.029644 0.107388 0.067406 0.831850 0.386070 0.075672 0.048817 0.508425 0.067738 0.097604 0.099871 0.138056 0.203937
As.Pakist -0.412723 -0.001859 -0.019312 0.061611 0.069526 0.053146 0.042434 0.049934 0.383798 0.793697 0.163572 -0.013589 0.313776 0.103334 0.149272 0.107579 0.074797 0.123652
As.Bangl -0.309026 0.000880 -0.016740 0.091434 0.055569 0.082335 0.030425 0.083978 0.076121 0.163722 0.753039 0.111666 0.071452 0.118747 0.083098 0.112751 0.066352 0.099844
As.Chin -0.296581 0.137819 -0.035575 0.339268 0.086623 0.134907 0.158910 0.198071 0.049767 -0.012004 0.105250 0.445302 0.150948 0.158228 0.090396 0.127342 0.186619 0.184046
As.other -0.560235 0.159080 -0.033927 0.253045 0.120865 0.140330 0.173209 0.197497 0.508438 0.315732 0.071826 0.148334 0.682933 0.210853 0.230871 0.227541 0.254067 0.302309
B.African -0.550139 0.096214 0.003226 0.246166 0.378339 0.397789 0.051927 0.321798 0.067287 0.104334 0.120449 0.160783 0.213592 0.736707 0.544018 0.570517 0.132233 0.341836
B.Carib -0.574670 0.191401 -0.019751 0.279462 0.486336 0.356536 0.107851 0.379673 0.098461 0.152590 0.085410 0.090458 0.232733 0.541035 0.778648 0.640852 0.132300 0.348386
B.other -0.559574 0.182359 -0.017846 0.281438 0.420251 0.359315 0.101316 0.367061 0.098643 0.110360 0.115130 0.130285 0.229717 0.569093 0.639491 0.625716 0.160873 0.357158
Oth.Arab -0.380728 0.206970 -0.030130 0.374628 0.069219 0.146249 0.164317 0.216031 0.136717 0.075353 0.066955 0.190464 0.255574 0.133193 0.130811 0.161465 0.599488 0.311898
Other.eth -0.556008 0.208549 -0.032928 0.467574 0.208617 0.247398 0.196997 0.339114 0.207437 0.124539 0.100934 0.184684 0.306622 0.338567 0.346375 0.355967 0.311796 0.555478

In [17]:
# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran data frame - Proportions
% matplotlib inline
f3, ax3 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9))
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Ethnic groups Queen weight')
sns.heatmap(dfmoran_ethnic, square=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x133f810b8>

Heatmap showing a positive correlation for black groups as could be seen in the Pearson correlation

P-values obtained from previous map

In [18]:
dfpvalue_ethnic = pd.DataFrame(matrices_ethnic[1], columns=var_ethnics, index=var_ethnics)

W.British W.Irish W.Gypsy W.Other MX.Wbc MX.Wba MX.Was MX.other As.Indian As.Pakist As.Bangl As.Chin As.other B.African B.Carib B.other Oth.Arab Other.eth
W.British 0.0 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
W.Irish 0.0 0.000000e+00 1.927303e-46 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 4.466271e-01 3.431601e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
W.Gypsy 0.0 8.236949e-118 0.000000e+00 4.912385e-141 1.160485e-22 7.890614e-12 7.274494e-88 4.454816e-70 6.372987e-41 4.424883e-16 2.199262e-15 1.408043e-58 1.504475e-50 0.028738 1.989022e-16 8.942731e-13 1.809865e-37 1.506364e-44
W.Other 0.0 0.000000e+00 2.230653e-39 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
MX.Wbc 0.0 0.000000e+00 2.150292e-12 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 4.103320e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
MX.Wba 0.0 0.000000e+00 3.646529e-08 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
MX.Was 0.0 0.000000e+00 1.305311e-64 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
MX.other 0.0 0.000000e+00 1.299274e-35 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
As.Indian 0.0 0.000000e+00 1.367991e-12 0.000000e+00 4.193122e-01 2.246214e-11 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
As.Pakist 0.0 3.432968e-01 4.413509e-06 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.003213e-03 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
As.Bangl 0.0 4.187241e-01 2.086082e-04 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 7.316370e-13 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
As.Chin 0.0 0.000000e+00 5.785345e-29 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 2.406873e-04 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
As.other 0.0 0.000000e+00 1.032180e-16 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
B.African 0.0 0.000000e+00 1.996966e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
B.Carib 0.0 0.000000e+00 1.590715e-06 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
B.other 0.0 0.000000e+00 9.686165e-06 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
Oth.Arab 0.0 0.000000e+00 8.001403e-15 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
Other.eth 0.0 0.000000e+00 5.706381e-19 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00

Based on Kernel Weight

Weight computed using a 700m Kernel function with a gaussian form

In [19]:
# weight based on distance
shp_path2 = "/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Shape files/" \
            "London/OA Boundary/resolution_oa_2011_ks201-501ew_cent.shp"

points = get_points_array_from_shapefile(shp_path2)
# 700m bandwdth with gaussian kernel function
weight_dist = pysal.Kernel(points, bandwidth=700.0, function='gaussian')

Histogram showing the distribuition of neighbors in 700m kernel weight

In [32]:
% matplotlib inline
sns.set(context="notebook", font_scale=1.8)
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(9, 6), dpi=300)
plt.title('Kernel weights gaussian bw 700m - neighbors rel.')*zip(*weight_dist.histogram))

<Container object of 132 artists>

In [33]:
# Call main function to compute Moran and P-values ethnic groups for 700m
var_ethnics = list(cor_mat_prop)
matrices_ethnic_dist = calc_moran_matrix(var_ethnics, weight_dist, f1)

In [34]:
dfmoran_ethnic_dist = pd.DataFrame(matrices_ethnic_dist[0], columns=var_ethnics, index=var_ethnics)

W.British W.Irish W.Gypsy W.Other MX.Wbc MX.Wba MX.Was MX.other As.Indian As.Pakist As.Bangl As.Chin As.other B.African B.Carib B.other Oth.Arab Other.eth
W.British 0.911943 -0.319123 0.041315 -0.586581 -0.357425 -0.367838 -0.274356 -0.459438 -0.474350 -0.404861 -0.302484 -0.290658 -0.549457 -0.531643 -0.564134 -0.545539 -0.368304 -0.545848
W.Irish -0.320015 0.498589 -0.048639 0.362157 0.167950 0.141971 0.215820 0.264371 0.085342 0.002815 0.008709 0.140904 0.162289 0.108557 0.194727 0.191624 0.211588 0.218284
W.Gypsy 0.040780 -0.049345 0.504399 -0.054550 -0.020825 -0.011554 -0.044028 -0.037365 -0.029868 -0.018532 -0.016508 -0.034191 -0.030107 0.002858 -0.018475 -0.016554 -0.027718 -0.030914
W.Other -0.587221 0.362353 -0.054481 0.777978 0.195413 0.252771 0.311893 0.418879 0.077577 0.064324 0.106944 0.325452 0.251019 0.259501 0.286786 0.292626 0.382493 0.469680
MX.Wbc -0.358686 0.167048 -0.021133 0.195717 0.426971 0.257140 0.100874 0.277558 0.008673 0.073724 0.055478 0.089149 0.121235 0.357526 0.469335 0.401200 0.065379 0.204894
MX.Wba -0.368095 0.142099 -0.011447 0.252347 0.256940 0.307668 0.104185 0.259963 0.035569 0.055434 0.079252 0.134645 0.138245 0.368855 0.344535 0.339472 0.134061 0.235078
MX.Was -0.276109 0.216512 -0.043649 0.313282 0.102415 0.105275 0.286928 0.208914 0.107878 0.044729 0.040211 0.158269 0.173007 0.065906 0.114706 0.113010 0.165792 0.198239
MX.other -0.459397 0.263451 -0.037342 0.417955 0.277669 0.259965 0.206923 0.392189 0.069880 0.052944 0.087922 0.197005 0.195897 0.312880 0.374289 0.359531 0.209758 0.333349
As.Indian -0.473887 0.085032 -0.030193 0.077598 0.008406 0.034980 0.107620 0.070366 0.809062 0.377552 0.078967 0.042034 0.501713 0.076781 0.104017 0.107175 0.137001 0.205356
As.Pakist -0.405016 0.002088 -0.018604 0.065232 0.072274 0.055192 0.044367 0.052977 0.377414 0.757128 0.161118 -0.013277 0.305179 0.105936 0.149498 0.110200 0.072273 0.120689
As.Bangl -0.300377 0.007105 -0.016533 0.103360 0.054291 0.077971 0.039048 0.086554 0.079330 0.160078 0.695168 0.120596 0.073028 0.111727 0.081320 0.108561 0.062488 0.098947
As.Chin -0.292610 0.141672 -0.034519 0.326118 0.090585 0.136685 0.157801 0.199058 0.041235 -0.014333 0.125008 0.424740 0.138606 0.163377 0.095083 0.133696 0.178498 0.178537
As.other -0.549319 0.162469 -0.030444 0.251615 0.120906 0.138006 0.172130 0.196202 0.501938 0.304620 0.073223 0.138377 0.658588 0.206564 0.228080 0.223621 0.242297 0.295592
B.African -0.531531 0.107466 0.001752 0.258355 0.356181 0.368867 0.064696 0.311646 0.077724 0.106553 0.112429 0.160682 0.207375 0.681165 0.518264 0.530928 0.119348 0.325217
B.Carib -0.564307 0.192945 -0.018890 0.286151 0.467496 0.344385 0.113448 0.373162 0.104597 0.150699 0.082086 0.093927 0.228359 0.518605 0.755172 0.614793 0.127373 0.341253
B.other -0.544561 0.189878 -0.017247 0.291246 0.399701 0.339039 0.111541 0.358489 0.107391 0.110320 0.108239 0.131618 0.223401 0.530703 0.614412 0.591996 0.148126 0.342625
Oth.Arab -0.369911 0.213587 -0.027826 0.385506 0.065141 0.134161 0.166346 0.211437 0.137450 0.072115 0.063784 0.178157 0.243292 0.119287 0.126915 0.148314 0.539908 0.291076
Other.eth -0.545648 0.219314 -0.031602 0.469956 0.203980 0.234715 0.197457 0.333634 0.206033 0.120453 0.099298 0.177739 0.295293 0.324416 0.340779 0.342715 0.289325 0.544285

In [35]:
# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran_ethnic_dist data frame - Proportions
% matplotlib inline
f3, ax3 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9))
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Ethnic groups 700m kernel gaussian weight')
sns.heatmap(dfmoran_ethnic_dist, square=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10b5e11d0>

Histogram showing the distribuition of neighbors in 2000m kernel weight

In [36]:
# 2000m bandwdth with gaussian kernel function
weight_dist2k = pysal.Kernel(points, bandwidth=2000.0, function='gaussian')

In [46]:
% matplotlib inline
sns.set(context="notebook", font_scale=1.8)
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(9, 6), dpi=300)
plt.title('Kernel weights gaussian bw 2000m - neighbors rel.')*zip(*weight_dist2k.histogram))

<Container object of 671 artists>

In [38]:
# Call main function to compute Moran and P-values ethnic groups for 2000m
matrices_ethnic_dist2k = calc_moran_matrix(var_ethnics, weight_dist2k, f1)

In [39]:
dfmoran_ethnic_dist2k = pd.DataFrame(matrices_ethnic_dist2k[0], columns=var_ethnics, index=var_ethnics)

W.British W.Irish W.Gypsy W.Other MX.Wbc MX.Wba MX.Was MX.other As.Indian As.Pakist As.Bangl As.Chin As.other B.African B.Carib B.other Oth.Arab Other.eth
W.British 0.852229 -0.330974 0.046857 -0.564698 -0.338213 -0.345740 -0.271884 -0.440640 -0.438672 -0.358285 -0.280742 -0.268477 -0.500128 -0.489549 -0.529848 -0.510218 -0.346718 -0.518793
W.Irish -0.333140 0.406605 -0.044742 0.362964 0.166006 0.145675 0.208035 0.259425 0.098694 0.018681 0.023887 0.149520 0.174593 0.126277 0.199046 0.200276 0.218212 0.232649
W.Gypsy 0.051774 -0.048084 0.128949 -0.054038 -0.025266 -0.018386 -0.041117 -0.039512 -0.026338 -0.018404 -0.015248 -0.033048 -0.032857 -0.006482 -0.024436 -0.022530 -0.029581 -0.030735
W.Other -0.565571 0.362453 -0.049684 0.698873 0.199341 0.248924 0.295449 0.403456 0.079955 0.064542 0.124391 0.291277 0.244472 0.263391 0.295701 0.302568 0.378027 0.459752
MX.Wbc -0.341612 0.164463 -0.023823 0.201263 0.338186 0.224419 0.107460 0.256110 0.031368 0.083664 0.063038 0.096840 0.118848 0.311626 0.418327 0.354640 0.063625 0.197813
MX.Wba -0.346635 0.144339 -0.015853 0.248088 0.223193 0.233094 0.108606 0.240303 0.054105 0.060201 0.084496 0.130969 0.136793 0.314977 0.308984 0.300372 0.122431 0.224891
MX.Was -0.274404 0.209210 -0.038547 0.296456 0.108726 0.110369 0.210499 0.200791 0.104923 0.044440 0.046689 0.141028 0.170617 0.083014 0.128634 0.127621 0.166167 0.200163
MX.other -0.441703 0.259135 -0.036200 0.403138 0.255570 0.240503 0.199443 0.336419 0.077633 0.055643 0.096074 0.184864 0.187924 0.290212 0.353596 0.337643 0.202529 0.322882
As.Indian -0.438673 0.099644 -0.024615 0.080439 0.031305 0.053745 0.104436 0.077609 0.686735 0.340649 0.076717 0.032222 0.460667 0.099695 0.116434 0.121873 0.137327 0.192792
As.Pakist -0.359379 0.016579 -0.016904 0.067969 0.080088 0.059457 0.044358 0.055954 0.341295 0.597231 0.142540 -0.010075 0.267655 0.110228 0.144984 0.106196 0.065378 0.109243
As.Bangl -0.276942 0.021782 -0.014098 0.120142 0.059579 0.081815 0.045105 0.093961 0.077159 0.140598 0.544514 0.132565 0.070420 0.120095 0.086944 0.109509 0.055437 0.104394
As.Chin -0.271885 0.149335 -0.030952 0.291688 0.097943 0.133693 0.139941 0.186592 0.031220 -0.011638 0.139468 0.291593 0.120932 0.160567 0.108160 0.141692 0.163345 0.172460
As.other -0.500275 0.175655 -0.030217 0.245913 0.118380 0.135944 0.170625 0.188254 0.460708 0.266600 0.070893 0.120465 0.527028 0.192787 0.216684 0.209951 0.223773 0.270960
B.African -0.489661 0.122705 -0.003613 0.260631 0.308868 0.313776 0.079953 0.288154 0.100787 0.112050 0.123559 0.155070 0.195450 0.558644 0.453919 0.453628 0.105486 0.302966
B.Carib -0.529605 0.196557 -0.021662 0.295384 0.415339 0.308327 0.126216 0.352093 0.115501 0.146477 0.088872 0.105489 0.215270 0.454013 0.656775 0.543845 0.123637 0.323831
B.other -0.508047 0.197322 -0.019775 0.299990 0.351467 0.298780 0.124318 0.335293 0.120793 0.106147 0.110594 0.137125 0.208759 0.452933 0.542686 0.503986 0.138906 0.322964
Oth.Arab -0.346761 0.217614 -0.027677 0.378089 0.062310 0.122209 0.166095 0.202597 0.137064 0.064038 0.057198 0.162605 0.223716 0.105942 0.122782 0.139054 0.429671 0.264403
Other.eth -0.516936 0.232299 -0.027937 0.457332 0.195524 0.223637 0.198742 0.321402 0.193297 0.107940 0.104890 0.170139 0.269765 0.301526 0.322829 0.322852 0.262778 0.475680

In [40]:
# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran_ethnic_dist2k data frame - Proportions
% matplotlib inline
f3, ax3 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9))
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Ethnic groups 2000m kernel gaussian weight')
sns.heatmap(dfmoran_ethnic_dist2k, square=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x10d73bf98>

Qualification groups


Count in function of frequency sum

In [48]:
# Build Census Qualification dataframe reading csv file
dataq = "~/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Census/London/Census data for Segregation/"\
dfcq = pd.read_csv(dataq)

FileNotFoundError                         Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-48-8f14759a2084> in <module>()
      1 # Build Census Qualification dataframe reading csv file
      2 dataq = "~/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Census/London/Census data for Segregation/"        "ks501ew_2011_oa_Qualifications/KS501EWDATA.csv"
----> 3 dfcq = pd.read_csv(dataq)
      4 dfcq.head()

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/io/ in parser_f(filepath_or_buffer, sep, delimiter, header, names, index_col, usecols, squeeze, prefix, mangle_dupe_cols, dtype, engine, converters, true_values, false_values, skipinitialspace, skiprows, nrows, na_values, keep_default_na, na_filter, verbose, skip_blank_lines, parse_dates, infer_datetime_format, keep_date_col, date_parser, dayfirst, iterator, chunksize, compression, thousands, decimal, lineterminator, quotechar, quoting, escapechar, comment, encoding, dialect, tupleize_cols, error_bad_lines, warn_bad_lines, skipfooter, skip_footer, doublequote, delim_whitespace, as_recarray, compact_ints, use_unsigned, low_memory, buffer_lines, memory_map, float_precision)
    643                     skip_blank_lines=skip_blank_lines)
--> 645         return _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
    647     parser_f.__name__ = name

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _read(filepath_or_buffer, kwds)
    387     # Create the parser.
--> 388     parser = TextFileReader(filepath_or_buffer, **kwds)
    390     if (nrows is not None) and (chunksize is not None):

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/io/ in __init__(self, f, engine, **kwds)
    727             self.options['has_index_names'] = kwds['has_index_names']
--> 729         self._make_engine(self.engine)
    731     def close(self):

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/io/ in _make_engine(self, engine)
    920     def _make_engine(self, engine='c'):
    921         if engine == 'c':
--> 922             self._engine = CParserWrapper(self.f, **self.options)
    923         else:
    924             if engine == 'python':

/usr/local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pandas/io/ in __init__(self, src, **kwds)
   1387         kwds['allow_leading_cols'] = self.index_col is not False
-> 1389         self._reader = _parser.TextReader(src, **kwds)
   1391         # XXX

pandas/parser.pyx in pandas.parser.TextReader.__cinit__ (pandas/parser.c:4175)()

pandas/parser.pyx in pandas.parser.TextReader._setup_parser_source (pandas/parser.c:8440)()

FileNotFoundError: File b'/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Census/London/Census data for Segregation/ks501ew_2011_oa_Qualifications/KS501EWDATA.csv' does not exist

In [110]:
# slice qualifications columns and sum each column
qualif = dfcq.loc[:,'No_quals':'FTs_18-74I']

No_quals      71500772
Level_1       41998745
Level_2       48175212
_Apprent      11323596
Level_3       39016443
Level_4+      86070223
Other_qua     17885309
FTs_16-17      8545356
FTs_18+       17258203
FTs_18-74E     5812630
FTs_18-74U     1527054
FTs_18-74I     9866437
dtype: int64

In [111]:
# plot income 
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=1, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(12, 6), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Qualification groups')
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Qualification intervals')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')


<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x14509b320>
  • Column "All_categ" removed from prot, total

Pearson Correlation

This data frame selects columns data with percentage for qualification groups

In [112]:
# Slice data frame to get proportion data columns
quali_prop = dfcq.loc[:,'No.quals':'FTs.18-74I']
cor_quali_prop = quali_prop.corr()

No.quals Level.1 Level.2 .Apprent Level.3 Level.4+ Other.qua FTs.16-17 FTs.18+ FTs.18-74E FTs.18-74U FTs.18-74I
No.quals 1.000000 0.368072 0.013388 0.111881 -0.372750 -0.799109 0.004163 0.023252 -0.216371 -0.232257 -0.076092 -0.209724
Level.1 0.368072 1.000000 0.468133 0.220845 -0.142664 -0.687612 -0.114188 0.226889 -0.286014 -0.236166 -0.140278 -0.295760
Level.2 0.013388 0.468133 1.000000 0.329572 0.014415 -0.399411 -0.356044 0.312414 -0.323565 -0.255317 -0.215461 -0.329546
.Apprent 0.111881 0.220845 0.329572 1.000000 -0.020037 -0.292839 -0.380039 -0.026352 -0.331247 -0.280369 -0.277947 -0.321206
Level.3 -0.372750 -0.142664 0.014415 -0.020037 1.000000 0.021294 -0.153192 -0.070705 0.693267 0.621128 0.492188 0.674745
Level.4+ -0.799109 -0.687612 -0.399411 -0.292839 0.021294 1.000000 -0.010232 -0.139873 0.092451 0.091671 -0.037611 0.103979
Other.qua 0.004163 -0.114188 -0.356044 -0.380039 -0.153192 -0.010232 1.000000 -0.029663 0.237089 0.226080 0.264273 0.209489
FTs.16-17 0.023252 0.226889 0.312414 -0.026352 -0.070705 -0.139873 -0.029663 1.000000 -0.078037 -0.076758 -0.035945 -0.076448
FTs.18+ -0.216371 -0.286014 -0.323565 -0.331247 0.693267 0.092451 0.237089 -0.078037 1.000000 0.862780 0.763583 0.976073
FTs.18-74E -0.232257 -0.236166 -0.255317 -0.280369 0.621128 0.091671 0.226080 -0.076758 0.862780 1.000000 0.660677 0.746564
FTs.18-74U -0.076092 -0.140278 -0.215461 -0.277947 0.492188 -0.037611 0.264273 -0.035945 0.763583 0.660677 1.000000 0.676062
FTs.18-74I -0.209724 -0.295760 -0.329546 -0.321206 0.674745 0.103979 0.209489 -0.076448 0.976073 0.746564 0.676062 1.000000

In [113]:
# Plot Heatmap based on cor_mat_prop data frame - Proportions
% matplotlib inline
f4, ax4 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9))
plt.title('Pearson correlation matrix - Qualification groups percentage')
sns.heatmap(cor_quali_prop, square=True)

<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x16e39d8d0>

Moran I Correlation

Based on percentage of groups

Based on Queen Contiguity Weight

Prepares data reading shape file for OA London and computes Contiguity Based Weights using Queen method

In [47]:
# Call main function to compute Moran and P-values for qualification groups
var_quali = list(cor_quali_prop)
matrices_quali = calc_moran_matrix(var_quali, weight_cont, f1)

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-47-7776e8373097> in <module>()
      1 # Call main function to compute Moran and P-values for qualification groups
----> 2 var_quali = list(cor_quali_prop)
      3 matrices_quali = calc_moran_matrix(var_quali, weight_cont, f1)

NameError: name 'cor_quali_prop' is not defined

DataFrame with pairwise results

In [ ]:
dfmoran_quali = pd.DataFrame(matrices_quali[0], columns=var_quali, index=var_quali)

In [ ]:
# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran_quali data frame - Proportions
% matplotlib inline
f5, ax5 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9))
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Qualification groups Queen weight')
sns.heatmap(dfmoran_quali, square=True)

P-values obtained from previous map

In [ ]:
dfpvalue_quali = pd.DataFrame(matrices_quali[1], columns=var_quali, index=var_quali)

Based on Kernel Weight

Weight computed using a 700m Kernel function with a gaussian form

In [ ]:
# Call main function to compute Moran and P-values qualification groups
matrices_quali_dist = calc_moran_matrix(var_quali, weight_dist, f1)

In [ ]:
dfmoran_quali_dist = pd.DataFrame(matrices_quali_dist[0], columns=var_quali, index=var_quali)

In [ ]:
# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran data frame - Proportions
% matplotlib inline
f3, ax3 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9))
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Qualification groups 700m kernel gaussian weight')
sns.heatmap(dfmoran_quali_dist, square=True)

In [ ]:
# Call main function to compute Moran and P-values qualification groups
matrices_quali_dist2k = calc_moran_matrix(var_quali, weight_dist2k, f1)

In [ ]:
dfmoran_quali_dist2k = pd.DataFrame(matrices_quali_dist2k[0], columns=var_quali, index=var_quali)

In [ ]:
# Plot Heatmap based on  data frame - Proportions
% matplotlib inline
f3, ax3 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9))
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Qualification groups 2000m kernel gaussian weight')
sns.heatmap(dfmoran_quali_dist2k, square=True)

Ocupation groups

QS607EW - old table

Count in function of frequency sum (QS607EW - old table)

In [ ]:
# Build Census Ocupation dataframe reading csv file
datao = "~/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Census/London/old/qs607ew_2011_oa/"\
        "RES Met London data/RES Met London QS607EW_oa_occupation_1.csv"
dfco = pd.read_csv(datao)

In [ ]:
# slice ocupations columns and sum each column
ocupation = dfco.loc[:,'QS607EW0002':'QS607EW0055']

In [ ]:
# plot income 
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=1, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(18, 6), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Ocupation groups')
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Ocupation intervals')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')


Ocupation groups higher levels in function of frequency sum

In [ ]:
# slice ocupations columns and sum each column
higher = dfco[['QS607EW0002',

In [ ]:
# plot income 
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=1, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(10, 6), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Ocupation higher groups')
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Ocupation higher intervals')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')


Histograms QS606EW

In [3]:
# Build Census ocupation dataframe reading csv file
dataoccup = "~/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Census/Original Data/London/Census data for Segregation/" \
dfoccup = pd.read_csv(dataoccup)

Geocode x y S606EW0001 Managers S606EW0003 S606EW0004 S606EW0005 S606EW0006 S606EW0007 ... S606EW0116 S606EW0117 S606EW0118 S606EW0119 S606EW0120 S606EW0121 S606EW0122 S606EW0123 S606EW0124 S606EW0125
0 E00000095 549358 184838 218 15 12 0 0 3 2 ... 0 3 3 30 3 11 2 0 3 11
1 E00000096 548893 184784 115 7 3 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 1 20 2 5 5 0 5 3
2 E00000097 548740 184793 138 6 5 0 1 1 0 ... 0 1 0 19 4 5 5 0 2 3
3 E00000098 548200 184658 128 8 7 0 1 2 2 ... 0 1 2 11 1 7 1 1 1 0
4 E00000001 532257 181866 102 18 13 3 0 8 1 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

5 rows × 128 columns

In [5]:
# slice ocupations columns and sum each column
occup_full = dfoccup.loc[:,'Managers':'S606EW0125']
# occup_full.sum()

Full occupation groups

In [4]:
# plot income 
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=0.7, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(18, 6), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Ocupation groups')
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Ocupation intervals - QS606EW FULL')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')


<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x110baff28>

First level hierarchy

In [9]:
# slice ocupations columns for first hierarchy level
hier_level1 = occup_full[['Managers',

Managers       961541
Prof_occup    1623902
Thecnical     1210759
Administ       943869
Skl_trades     759831
Care_other     660615
Sales          595677
Operative      416295
Elementary     746404
dtype: int64

In [10]:
labelsl1 = [
"Manag-direc-officials - 1",
"Professional occupations - 2",
"Assoc professional-tech occup - 3",
"Adm-secretarial occup - 4",
"Skilled trades occup - 5",
"Caring-leisure-other serv - 6",
"Sales-customer serv - 7",
"Process-plant-machine oper - 8",
"Elementary occup - 9"]

In [7]:
# plot income 
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=0.7, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(10, 4), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Ocupation groups')
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Ocupation intervals - First level hierarchy')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')

figl1 = hier_level1.sum().plot(kind='bar')
lab1 = figl1.set_xticklabels(labelsl1)

Second level hierarchy

In [8]:
# slice ocupations columns for second hierarchy level
hier_level2 = occup_full[['S606EW0003', 'S606EW0012', 'S606EW0018', 'S606EW0024', 'S606EW0028',
                          'S606EW0030', 'S606EW0039', 'S606EW0043', 'S606EW0046', 'S606EW0048',
                          'S606EW0052', 'S606EW0060', 'S606EW0066', 'S606EW0069', 'S606EW0071',
                          'S606EW0077', 'S606EW0081', 'S606EW0087', 'S606EW0091', 'S606EW0097', 
                          'S606EW0101', 'S606EW0105', 'S606EW0110', 'S606EW0115', 'S606EW0119']]
# hier_level2.sum()

In [11]:
labelsl2 = [
"Corp manag-directors - 1.2",
"Other manag-proprietors - 1.3",
"Science-research-eng-tech prof - 2.1",
"Health professionals - 2.2",
"Teaching-educational prof - 2.3",
"Business-media-public serv - 2.4",
"Science-eng-tech associate - 3.1",
"Health-social care associate - 3.2",
"Protective service occup - 3.3",
"Culture-media-sports occup - 3.4",
"Business-public serv assoc - 3.5",
"Administrative occupations - 4.1",
"Secretarial-related occup - 4.2",
# "Skilled agricult-related trades - 5.1",
"Skilled metal-electric trades - 5.2",
"Skilled const-building trades - 5.3",
"Textiles-printing-other skilled - 5.4",
"Caring personal serv occup - 6.1",
"Leisure-travel-related serv - 6.2",
"Sales occupations - 7.2",
"Customer serv occup - 7.3",
"Process-plant-machine oper - 8.1",
"Transport-machine driver-oper - 8.2",
"Element trades-related occup - 9.1",
"Element adm-service occup - 9.2"]

In [1]:
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=0.7, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(12, 6), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Ocupation groups')
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Ocupation intervals - Second level hierarchy')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')

fig = hier_level2.sum().plot(kind='bar')
lab2 = fig.set_xticklabels(labelsl2)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Plots/Occupation_Hist_hierl2.png")

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-6ce676f662ee> in <module>()
      1 get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline')
----> 3 sns.set_style("darkgrid")
      4 sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=0.7, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
      5 plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(12, 6), dpi=300)

NameError: name 'sns' is not defined

Third level hierarchy

In [12]:
# slice ocupations columns for third hierarchy level
# removed: S606EW0013,S606EW0022,S606EW0057,S606EW0070,S606EW0116

hier_level3 = occup_full[[

# hier_level3 = occup_full[[
# 'S606EW0004','S606EW0005','S606EW0006','S606EW0007','S606EW0008','S606EW0009','S606EW0010','S606EW0011',
# 'S606EW0013','S606EW0014','S606EW0015','S606EW0016','S606EW0019','S606EW0020','S606EW0021','S606EW0022',
# 'S606EW0023','S606EW0025','S606EW0026','S606EW0027','S606EW0029','S606EW0031','S606EW0032','S606EW0033',
# 'S606EW0034','S606EW0035','S606EW0036','S606EW0037','S606EW0040','S606EW0041','S606EW0042','S606EW0044',
# 'S606EW0045','S606EW0047','S606EW0049','S606EW0050','S606EW0051','S606EW0053','S606EW0054','S606EW0055',
# 'S606EW0056','S606EW0057','S606EW0058','S606EW0061','S606EW0062','S606EW0063','S606EW0064','S606EW0065',
# 'S606EW0067','S606EW0070','S606EW0072','S606EW0073','S606EW0074','S606EW0075','S606EW0076','S606EW0078',
# 'S606EW0079','S606EW0080','S606EW0082','S606EW0083','S606EW0084','S606EW0085','S606EW0088','S606EW0089',
# 'S606EW0090','S606EW0092','S606EW0093','S606EW0094','S606EW0095','S606EW0098','S606EW0099','S606EW0100',
# 'S606EW0102','S606EW0103','S606EW0106','S606EW0107','S606EW0108','S606EW0109','S606EW0111','S606EW0112',
# 'S606EW0113','S606EW0116','S606EW0117','S606EW0118','S606EW0120','S606EW0121','S606EW0122','S606EW0123',
# 'S606EW0124','S606EW0125']]
# hier_level3.sum()

In [13]:
labelsl3 = [
"Chief Exec-Sen Offic - 1.2.1",
"Produc Manag-Directors - 1.2.2",
"Func Manag-Directors - 1.2.3",
"Finan Inst Manag-Directors - 1.2.4",
"Manag-Directors Transp-Log - 1.2.5",
"Sen Offic Protect Serv - 1.2.6",
"Health-Social Serv Manag Dir - 1.2.7",
"Manag-Dir Retail Wholesale - 1.2.8",
# "Manag-Propriet Agriculture - 1.3.1",
"Manag-Propriet Hospitality - 1.3.2",
"Manag-Propriet Health Serv - 1.3.3",
"Manag-Proprietors Other Serv - 1.3.4",
"Natural-Social Science Prof - 2.1.1",
"Engineering Prof - 2.1.2",
"Information Tech-Telecom Prof - 2.1.3",
# "Conservation-Environ Prof - 2.1.4",
"Research-Development Manag - 2.1.5",
"Health Prof - 2.2.1",
"Therapy Prof - 2.2.2",
"Nursing and Midwifery Prof - 2.2.3",
"Teaching-Educational Prof - 2.3.1",
"Legal Prof - 2.4.1",
"Business-Research-Adm Prof - 2.4.2",
"Architec-Town Plan-Surveyors - 2.4.3",
"Welfare Prof - 2.4.4",
"Librarians and  Prof - 2.4.5",
"Quality and Regulatory Prof - 2.4.6",
"Media Prof - 2.4.7",
"Science-Eng-Production Tech - 3.1.1",
"Draughtsperson-Architec Tech - 3.1.2",
"Information Technology Tech - 3.1.3",
"Health Assoc Prof - 3.2.1",
"Welfare-Housing Assoc Prof - 3.2.2",
"Protective Serv Occup - 3.3.1",
"Artistic-Literary-Media Occup - 3.4.1",
"Design Occup - 3.4.2",
"Sports and Fitness Occup - 3.4.3",
"Transport Assoc Prof - 3.5.1",
"Legal Assoc Prof - 3.5.2",
"Business-Finance-Assoc Prof - 3.5.3",
"Sales-Marketing-Assoc Prof - 3.5.4",
# "Conservat-Environ Assoc Prof - 3.5.5",
"Public Serv-Other Assoc Prof - 3.5.6",
"Adm Occup: Govern-Organis - 4.1.1",
"Adm Occup: Finance - 4.1.2",
"Adm Occup: Records - 4.1.3",
"Other Adm Occup - 4.1.4",
"Adm Occup: Offic Manag Sup - 4.1.5",
"Secretarial and  Occup - 4.2.1",
# "Agricultural and  Trades - 5.1.1",
"Metal Form-Welding Trades - 5.2.1",
"Metal Machin-Fit-Instrument - 5.2.2",
"Vehicle Trades - 5.2.3",
"Electrical-Electronic Trades - 5.2.4",
"Skilled Metal-Elec Trades Sup - 5.2.5",
"Construction-Building Trades - 5.3.1",
"Building Finishing Trades - 5.3.2",
"Constru-Building Trades Sup - 5.3.3",
"Textiles-Garments Trades - 5.4.1",
"Printing Trades - 5.4.2",
"Food Prep-Hospitality Trades - 5.4.3",
"Other Skilled Trades - 5.4.4",
"Childcare-Personal Serv - 6.1.1",
"Animal Care-Control Serv - 6.1.2",
"Caring Personal Serv - 6.1.3",
"Leisure and Travel Serv - 6.2.1",
"Hairdressers and  Serv - 6.2.2",
"Housekeeping and  Serv - 6.2.3",
"Clean-Housekeep Manag Sup - 6.2.4",
"Sales Assist-Retail Cashiers - 7.2.1",
"Sales  Occup - 7.2.2",
"Sales Supervisors - 7.2.3",
"Customer Serv Occup - 7.3.1",
"Customer Manag-Superv - 7.3.2",
"Process Oper - 8.1.1",
"Plant and Machine Oper - 8.1.2",
"Assemblers-Routine Oper - 8.1.3",
"Construction Oper - 8.1.4",
"Road Transport Drivers - 8.2.1",
"Mob Machin Drivers-Oper - 8.2.2",
"Other Driver-Transport Oper - 8.2.3",
# "Element Agricultural Occup - 9.1.1",
"Element Construct Occup - 9.1.2",
"Element Process Plant Occup - 9.1.3",
"Element Administ Occup - 9.2.1",
"Element Cleaning Occup - 9.2.2",
"Element Security Occup - 9.2.3",
"Element Sales Occup - 9.2.4",
"Element Storage Occup - 9.2.5",
"Other Element Serv Occup - 9.2.6"]

In [69]:
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=0.7, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(20, 8), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Ocupation groups')
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Ocupation intervals - Third level hierarchy - reprocessed', fontsize=16)
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')

fig = hier_level3.sum().plot(kind='bar')
lab3 = fig.set_xticklabels(labelsl3)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Plots/Occupation_Hist_hierl3.png")

In [6]:
# Group third level hierarchies to build second and first level considering the deleted classes

dfoccup['s12'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0004','S606EW0005','S606EW0006','S606EW0007','S606EW0008','S606EW0009','S606EW0010','S606EW0011']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s13'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0014','S606EW0015','S606EW0016']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s21'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0019','S606EW0020','S606EW0021','S606EW0023']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s22'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0025','S606EW0026','S606EW0027']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s23'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0029']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s24'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0031','S606EW0032','S606EW0033','S606EW0034','S606EW0035','S606EW0036','S606EW0037']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s31'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0040','S606EW0041','S606EW0042']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s32'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0044','S606EW0045']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s33'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0047']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s34'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0049','S606EW0050','S606EW0051']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s35'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0053','S606EW0054','S606EW0055','S606EW0056','S606EW0058']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s41'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0061','S606EW0062','S606EW0063','S606EW0064','S606EW0065']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s42'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0067']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s52'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0072','S606EW0073','S606EW0074','S606EW0075','S606EW0076']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s53'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0078','S606EW0079','S606EW0080']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s54'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0082','S606EW0083','S606EW0084','S606EW0085']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s61'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0088','S606EW0089','S606EW0090']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s62'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0092','S606EW0093','S606EW0094','S606EW0095']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s72'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0098','S606EW0099','S606EW0100']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s73'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0102','S606EW0103']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s81'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0106','S606EW0107','S606EW0108','S606EW0109']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s82'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0111','S606EW0112','S606EW0113']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s91'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0117','S606EW0118']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s92'] = dfoccup[['S606EW0120','S606EW0121','S606EW0122','S606EW0123','S606EW0124','S606EW0125']].sum(axis=1)

# First level 
dfoccup['s1'] = dfoccup[['s12','s13']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s2'] = dfoccup[['s21','s22','s23','s24']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s3'] = dfoccup[['s31','s32','s33','s34','s35']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s4'] = dfoccup[['s41','s42']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s5'] = dfoccup[['s52','s53','s54']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s6'] = dfoccup[['s61','s62']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s7'] = dfoccup[['s72','s73']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s8'] = dfoccup[['s81','s82']].sum(axis=1)
dfoccup['s9'] = dfoccup[['s91','s92']].sum(axis=1)

In [8]:
# Save data with new columns to csv
csv_temp = "~/Downloads/occupation_grouped_qs606oa.csv"
dfoccup.loc[:,'Geocode':'s9'].to_csv(csv_temp)  #save to csv

In [52]:
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=0.7, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(12, 7), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Ocupation groups')
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Ocupation intervals - Second level hierarchy - reprocessed', fontsize=16)
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')

figr = dfoccup.loc[:,'s12':'s92'].sum().plot(kind='bar')
lab3r = figr.set_xticklabels(labelsl2)

In [62]:
% matplotlib inline

sns.set_context("talk", font_scale=0.7, rc={"lines.linewidth": 1.5})
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(10, 6), dpi=300)
plt.xlabel('Ocupation groups')
plt.ylabel('Frequency sum')
plt.title('Ocupation intervals - First level hierarchy - reprocessed')
plt.ticklabel_format(style='plain', axis='y')

figr = dfoccup.loc[:,'s1':'s9'].sum().plot(kind='bar')
lab3r = figr.set_xticklabels(labelsl1)

Pearson Correlation - QS606EW Full

This data frame selects columns data with percentage for ocupation groups

In [14]:
# Slice data frame to get proportion data columns
occup_prop = dfoccup.loc[:,'Managers':'S606EW0125'] 
cor_occup_prop = occup_prop.corr()

Managers S606EW0003 S606EW0004 S606EW0005 S606EW0006 S606EW0007 S606EW0008 S606EW0009 S606EW0010 S606EW0011 ... S606EW0116 S606EW0117 S606EW0118 S606EW0119 S606EW0120 S606EW0121 S606EW0122 S606EW0123 S606EW0124 S606EW0125
Managers 1.000000 0.952843 0.514982 0.522413 0.772745 0.518547 0.172233 0.341881 0.183304 0.420265 ... 0.082271 -0.141364 -0.161173 -0.320810 -0.166177 -0.292735 -0.245297 -0.137706 -0.227219 -0.115543
S606EW0003 0.952843 1.000000 0.510442 0.526658 0.775574 0.543690 0.192378 0.431467 0.182987 0.420394 ... 0.053896 -0.144633 -0.160259 -0.335156 -0.163557 -0.304181 -0.247223 -0.128542 -0.213341 -0.148927
S606EW0004 0.514982 0.510442 1.000000 0.154121 0.490156 0.415060 -0.039073 0.004651 0.025633 0.080921 ... 0.016541 -0.135318 -0.136759 -0.262155 -0.175634 -0.204873 -0.194522 -0.132156 -0.193757 -0.106480
S606EW0005 0.522413 0.526658 0.154121 1.000000 0.302285 0.150807 0.162197 0.008589 0.081228 0.234470 ... 0.141239 -0.033215 -0.069034 -0.218193 -0.061150 -0.206958 -0.169928 -0.036963 -0.087627 -0.141436
S606EW0006 0.772745 0.775574 0.490156 0.302285 1.000000 0.472136 0.016955 0.010829 0.098288 0.179555 ... 0.011001 -0.194834 -0.214747 -0.391935 -0.223025 -0.337352 -0.285569 -0.180025 -0.289044 -0.151870

5 rows × 124 columns

In [15]:
# Plot Heatmap based on cor_ocup_prop data frame - Proportions 
% matplotlib inline
f4, ax4 = plt.subplots(figsize=(26, 21), dpi=300)
plt.title('Pearson correlation matrix - Occupation groups counts - full', fontsize=25)
sns.heatmap(cor_occup_prop, square=True)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_pearson_full.png")

First level Hierarchy

In [16]:
cor_occup_hier1 = hier_level1.corr()

Managers Prof_occup Thecnical Administ Skl_trades Care_other Sales Operative Elementary
Managers 1.000000 0.571460 0.564877 0.211067 -0.088717 -0.133266 -0.189232 -0.294065 -0.321610
Prof_occup 0.571460 1.000000 0.634032 0.194281 -0.216498 -0.140812 -0.140456 -0.377297 -0.275421
Thecnical 0.564877 0.634032 1.000000 0.205755 -0.094837 -0.071042 -0.080102 -0.238804 -0.192019
Administ 0.211067 0.194281 0.205755 1.000000 0.417765 0.279350 0.289515 0.253101 0.087928
Skl_trades -0.088717 -0.216498 -0.094837 0.417765 1.000000 0.485597 0.402806 0.520685 0.420249

In [17]:
# Plot Heatmap based on hier_level3 data frame 
% matplotlib inline
f6, ax6 = plt.subplots(figsize=(9, 6), dpi=300)
plt.title('Pearson correlation matrix - Occupation groups first level hierarchy')
sns.heatmap(cor_occup_hier1, square=True)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_pearson_.png")

In [74]:
# Plot Heatmap based on hier_level3 data frame 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9), dpi=300)
plt.title('Pearson correlation matrix - Occupation first level hierarchy - reprocessed')
sns.heatmap(dfoccup.loc[:,'s1':'s9'].corr(), square=True, xticklabels=labelsl1, yticklabels=labelsl1)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_pearson_.png")

Second level Hierarchy

In [18]:
cor_occup_hier2 = hier_level2.corr()

S606EW0003 S606EW0012 S606EW0018 S606EW0024 S606EW0028 S606EW0030 S606EW0039 S606EW0043 S606EW0046 S606EW0048 ... S606EW0077 S606EW0081 S606EW0087 S606EW0091 S606EW0097 S606EW0101 S606EW0105 S606EW0110 S606EW0115 S606EW0119
S606EW0003 1.000000 0.476020 0.381279 0.214975 0.298242 0.518069 0.083696 0.020159 0.222772 0.276921 ... -0.114593 -0.133320 -0.178367 -0.007255 -0.191166 -0.114980 -0.173649 -0.285527 -0.165996 -0.335156
S606EW0012 0.476020 1.000000 0.278210 0.212394 0.309344 0.416920 0.037519 0.064483 -0.005915 0.322417 ... -0.029195 0.032767 -0.102586 0.076501 -0.094659 -0.046313 -0.134406 -0.202062 -0.073718 -0.163770
S606EW0018 0.381279 0.278210 1.000000 0.235230 0.359151 0.460702 0.273865 0.069076 0.023249 0.272508 ... -0.084565 -0.013614 -0.088396 0.073900 -0.027651 0.069382 -0.117530 -0.199891 -0.144618 -0.134452
S606EW0024 0.214975 0.212394 0.235230 1.000000 0.252285 0.283690 0.083672 0.121057 0.015770 0.188351 ... -0.043053 0.009832 0.050921 0.034796 -0.004190 0.032103 -0.085696 -0.101968 -0.073873 -0.048328
S606EW0028 0.298242 0.309344 0.359151 0.252285 1.000000 0.409303 0.130276 0.175745 0.007326 0.390024 ... -0.029585 0.015133 -0.026553 0.017533 -0.061584 -0.009484 -0.145568 -0.223064 -0.141284 -0.161730

5 rows × 25 columns

In [19]:
# Plot Heatmap based on hier_level3 data frame 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9), dpi=300)
plt.title('Pearson correlation matrix - Occupation groups second level hierarchy')
f7 = sns.heatmap(cor_occup_hier2, square=True)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_pearson_hierl2.png")

In [72]:
# Plot Heatmap based on hier_level3 data frame 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(12, 9), dpi=300)
plt.title('Pearson correlation matrix - Occupation second level hierarchy - reprocessed')
sns.heatmap(dfoccup.loc[:,'s12':'s92'].corr(), square=True, xticklabels=labelsl2, yticklabels=labelsl2)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_pearson_.png")

Third level Hierarchy

In [24]:
cor_occup_hier3 = hier_level3.corr()

S606EW0004 S606EW0005 S606EW0006 S606EW0007 S606EW0008 S606EW0009 S606EW0010 S606EW0011 S606EW0014 S606EW0015 ... S606EW0112 S606EW0113 S606EW0117 S606EW0118 S606EW0120 S606EW0121 S606EW0122 S606EW0123 S606EW0124 S606EW0125
S606EW0004 1.000000 0.154121 0.490156 0.415060 -0.039073 0.004651 0.025633 0.080921 0.135467 -0.014741 ... -0.135571 -0.125826 -0.135318 -0.136759 -0.175634 -0.204873 -0.194522 -0.132156 -0.193757 -0.106480
S606EW0005 0.154121 1.000000 0.302285 0.150807 0.162197 0.008589 0.081228 0.234470 0.058464 0.087774 ... -0.032215 -0.018475 -0.033215 -0.069034 -0.061150 -0.206958 -0.169928 -0.036963 -0.087627 -0.141436
S606EW0006 0.490156 0.302285 1.000000 0.472136 0.016955 0.010829 0.098288 0.179555 0.204100 0.011856 ... -0.199761 -0.150008 -0.194834 -0.214747 -0.223025 -0.337352 -0.285569 -0.180025 -0.289044 -0.151870
S606EW0007 0.415060 0.150807 0.472136 1.000000 -0.010566 -0.000662 0.034135 0.087434 0.100128 -0.003995 ... -0.118371 -0.091261 -0.124637 -0.132385 -0.132766 -0.226142 -0.170304 -0.107273 -0.183975 -0.131448
S606EW0008 -0.039073 0.162197 0.016955 -0.010566 1.000000 0.005381 0.020876 0.122237 0.012815 0.047576 ... 0.078476 0.135394 0.033787 0.049661 0.082676 -0.002926 0.033397 0.060543 0.109369 -0.018939

5 rows × 85 columns

In [75]:
# Plot Heatmap based on hier_level3 data frame 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(26, 21), dpi=300)
plt.title('Pearson correlation matrix - Occupation third level hierarchy - reprocessed', fontsize=20)
f8 = sns.heatmap(cor_occup_hier3, square=True, xticklabels=labelsl3, yticklabels=labelsl3)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_pearson_hierl3.png")

Moran I Correlation QS606EW Full

Based on Queen Contiguity Weight

Prepares data reading shape file for OA London and computes Contiguity Based Weights using Queen method

In [23]:
# Save data with new columns to csv
csvoccup = "~/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Data/Census/London/Census data for Segregation/"\
         's61','s62','s72','s73','s81','s82','s91','s92','s1','s2','s3','s4','s5','s6','s7','s8','s9']].to_csv(csvoccup, index=False)

In [25]:
shp_path3 = "/Users/sandrofsousa/Downloads/reprocessing/resolution_oa_2011_qs606ew.shp"
weight_cont_occup = pysal.queen_from_shapefile(shp_path3)

WARNING: there is one disconnected observation (no neighbors)
('Island id: ', [34622])

Histogram showing the distribuition of neighbors in queen weight

In [27]:
% matplotlib inline
plt.figure(facecolor="white", figsize=(6, 3), dpi=300)
plt.title('Queen weights histogram - neighbors relations for occupation')*zip(*weight_cont_occup.histogram))

<Container object of 29 artists>

Compute Bivariate Moran for all elements of occupation groups

Variables are compared pairwised resulting on a matrix 999 random permutations are used for calculation of pseudo p_values

In [27]:
# Call main function to compute Moran and P-values ethnic groups
f2 ="/Users/sandrofsousa/Downloads/reprocessing/resolution_oa_2011_qs606ew_cent.dbf")

In [ ]:
var_occup = list(cor_occup_prop)
matrices_occup = calc_moran_matrix(var_occup, weight_cont_occup, f2)

DataFrame with pairwise results

In [ ]:
dfmoran_occup = pd.DataFrame(matrices_occup[0], columns=var_occup, index=var_occup)

In [ ]:
# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran_occup data frame - Proportions 
% matplotlib inline
f5, ax5 = plt.subplots(figsize=(26, 21), dpi=300)
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Ocupation groups Queen weight', fontsize=25)
sns.heatmap(dfmoran_occup, square=True)
plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_moran_full.png")

Moran Bivariate Queen weight for first hierarchy level

In [81]:
var_occup_hier1 = list(hier_level1)
matrices_occupl1 = calc_moran_matrix(var_occup_hier1, weight_cont_occup, f2)

In [83]:
dfmoran_occup_hier1 = pd.DataFrame(matrices_occupl1[0], columns=var_occup_hier1, index=var_occup_hier1)

Managers Prof_occup Thecnical Administ Skl_trades Care_other Sales Operative Elementary
Managers 0.431649 0.302791 0.251287 -0.007586 -0.167252 -0.203695 -0.254544 -0.305539 -0.324846
Prof_occup 0.300707 0.514474 0.353787 -0.036383 -0.292201 -0.222432 -0.206905 -0.377197 -0.271916
Thecnical 0.256415 0.356299 0.355158 -0.015663 -0.208066 -0.162634 -0.171863 -0.281888 -0.215532
Administ -0.008763 -0.041071 -0.024708 0.340915 0.214861 0.096408 0.105794 0.143235 -0.008697
Skl_trades -0.166023 -0.295504 -0.215997 0.212293 0.465077 0.257668 0.220566 0.361202 0.227773

In [94]:
# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran_occup data frame - Proportions 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9), dpi=300)
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Ocupation groups Queen weight Hierarchy level 1')
h1 = sns.heatmap(dfmoran_occup_hier1, square=True)
h1.set_xticklabels(labelsl1, rotation='vertical')
h1.set_yticklabels(reversed(labelsl1), rotation='horizontal')
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_moran_hierl1.png")

In [28]:
var_occup_repl1 = list(dfoccup.loc[:,'s1':'s9'])
matrices_occuprep1 = calc_moran_matrix(var_occup_repl1, weight_cont_occup, f2)

('WARNING: ', 34622, ' is an island (no neighbors)')

In [30]:
dfmoran_occup_rep1 = pd.DataFrame(matrices_occuprep1[0], columns=var_occup_repl1, index=var_occup_repl1)

# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran_occup data frame - Proportions 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9), dpi=300)
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Ocupation Queen weight Hierarchy level 1 - reprocessed')
h1 = sns.heatmap(dfmoran_occup_rep1, square=True, xticklabels=labelsl1, yticklabels=labelsl1)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_moran_hierl1.png")

Moran Bivariate Queen weight for second hierarchy level

In [95]:
var_occup_hier2 = list(hier_level2)
matrices_occupl2 = calc_moran_matrix(var_occup_hier2, weight_cont_occup, f2)

In [96]:
dfmoran_occup_hier2 = pd.DataFrame(matrices_occupl2[0], columns=var_occup_hier2, index=var_occup_hier2)

S606EW0003 S606EW0012 S606EW0018 S606EW0024 S606EW0028 S606EW0030 S606EW0039 S606EW0043 S606EW0046 S606EW0048 ... S606EW0077 S606EW0081 S606EW0087 S606EW0091 S606EW0097 S606EW0101 S606EW0105 S606EW0110 S606EW0115 S606EW0119
S606EW0003 0.405955 0.270756 0.198136 0.084665 0.140188 0.303891 -0.021099 -0.053247 0.021082 0.145289 ... -0.151440 -0.164598 -0.211159 -0.064882 -0.233513 -0.165150 -0.189624 -0.281618 -0.159540 -0.324129
S606EW0012 0.264298 0.282213 0.123746 0.092683 0.159390 0.239391 -0.041581 -0.005780 -0.015689 0.185842 ... -0.097167 -0.058594 -0.158234 -0.015205 -0.159885 -0.102984 -0.166536 -0.212866 -0.097162 -0.197389
S606EW0018 0.202225 0.126824 0.445151 0.099435 0.187096 0.252586 0.131005 0.000295 -0.002621 0.135226 ... -0.125616 -0.058220 -0.128674 -0.002682 -0.079047 -0.003009 -0.143734 -0.191592 -0.139827 -0.137339
S606EW0024 0.080494 0.089649 0.097559 0.231911 0.119665 0.157930 0.001447 0.038010 -0.010169 0.106912 ... -0.075575 -0.027418 -0.044033 -0.021496 -0.052531 -0.021247 -0.109298 -0.108565 -0.081155 -0.071607
S606EW0028 0.138996 0.161471 0.184985 0.119285 0.362624 0.236732 0.018809 0.078004 -0.012331 0.247994 ... -0.083554 -0.036597 -0.096610 -0.051046 -0.121584 -0.068644 -0.175278 -0.224150 -0.136367 -0.178214

5 rows × 25 columns

In [98]:
# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran_occup data frame - Proportions 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(16,12), dpi=300)
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Ocupation groups Queen weight Hierarchy level 2')
h2 = sns.heatmap(dfmoran_occup_hier2, square=True)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_moran_hierl2.png")

In [31]:
var_occup_repl2 = list(dfoccup.loc[:,'s12':'s92'])
matrices_occuprep2 = calc_moran_matrix(var_occup_repl2, weight_cont_occup, f2)

In [34]:
dfmoran_occup_rep2 = pd.DataFrame(matrices_occuprep2[0], columns=var_occup_repl2, index=var_occup_repl2)

# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran_occup data frame - Proportions 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(12,9), dpi=300)
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Ocupation Queen weight Hierarchy level 2 - reprocessed')
h1r = sns.heatmap(dfmoran_occup_rep2, square=True, xticklabels=labelsl2, yticklabels=labelsl2)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_moran_hierl1.png")

Moran Bivariate Queen weight for third hierarchy level

In [35]:
var_occup_hier3 = list(hier_level3)
matrices_occupl3 = calc_moran_matrix(var_occup_hier3, weight_cont_occup, f2)

In [36]:
dfmoran_occup_hier3 = pd.DataFrame(matrices_occupl3[0], columns=var_occup_hier3, index=var_occup_hier3)

S606EW0004 S606EW0005 S606EW0006 S606EW0007 S606EW0008 S606EW0009 S606EW0010 S606EW0011 S606EW0014 S606EW0015 ... S606EW0112 S606EW0113 S606EW0117 S606EW0118 S606EW0120 S606EW0121 S606EW0122 S606EW0123 S606EW0124 S606EW0125
S606EW0004 0.409724 0.069921 0.354204 0.304488 -0.057570 0.004939 -0.003590 0.019617 0.093939 -0.031491 ... -0.121816 -0.114836 -0.124489 -0.128190 -0.160527 -0.175110 -0.172514 -0.117623 -0.175901 -0.092325
S606EW0005 0.079998 0.316018 0.162400 0.062848 0.105987 0.012917 0.030461 0.121228 -0.006415 0.059497 ... -0.019725 -0.029042 -0.039060 -0.064502 -0.065600 -0.188849 -0.172385 -0.036365 -0.075977 -0.160691
S606EW0006 0.362695 0.157685 0.513247 0.313447 -0.030016 0.010801 0.038629 0.067171 0.124374 -0.014513 ... -0.181955 -0.147391 -0.180979 -0.202458 -0.208785 -0.287405 -0.262596 -0.166325 -0.264683 -0.148032
S606EW0007 0.308393 0.060575 0.314197 0.408946 -0.045607 -0.005683 -0.001841 0.009797 0.051251 -0.026249 ... -0.109710 -0.097136 -0.111928 -0.123388 -0.127249 -0.196635 -0.159183 -0.099246 -0.169833 -0.124658
S606EW0008 -0.056292 0.107675 -0.029989 -0.047480 0.135972 0.016574 -0.006447 0.059519 -0.033342 0.032025 ... 0.058957 0.102031 0.021794 0.041328 0.051649 -0.019770 0.011877 0.045937 0.084941 -0.046410

5 rows × 85 columns

In [37]:
# Plot Heatmap based on dfmoran_occup data frame - Proportions 
% matplotlib inline
plt.subplots(figsize=(26, 21), dpi=300)
plt.title('Moran I correlation matrix - Ocupation Queen weight Hierarchy level 3 - reprocessed', fontsize=25)
h3 = sns.heatmap(dfmoran_occup_hier3, square=True, xticklabels=labelsl3, yticklabels=labelsl3)
# plt.savefig("/Users/sandrofsousa/Dropbox/Resolution - SP London/Documents/Histograms/Occupation_moran_hierl3.png")